By "alone-ness" I mean . . . so many things . . . to how much certain foods are just apart of living life and certain foods define us as humans and define our experiences and memories and Gregory won't have those. I know he doesn't know any different. Not being able to just give him anything and experience all those fun first tastes with him. To never know the taste of an oreo. And then just how that singles him out in life. And in situations. I dunno. I'm just rambeling.
By the other I mean . . . I can deal with the "different kid" or the "weird kid" or the "slow kid". But my personality has a hard time dealing with having the "mean kid". I know kids will be kids . . . . but more than a handful of times being at Gregory's school a kid will go to their parent and say, "Thats Gregory. He's mean." or the parent will tell me how their child goes home and talks about how Gregory needs to be more nice. This in its self is crazy to me because I can't even imagine Gregory have the vocabular ability to even express that to me at home about a kid in his class that just reminds me how low his vocab is. Ugh! Anyways, this too shall pass. It can only get better right? Yesterday his teacher almost had to call me to come get him he was behaving so bad. Today he was great! I am a happy mommy.
Thanks for listening . . . who ever you are.